Blog author: Andres Chavez III
Deputy Director, Programs,
College & Career Readiness
The second session in a four-part professional learning series hosted by TxLx, Getting Smart, and the Learner-Centered Collaborative facilitated a discussion on the future of measurement and the shortcomings of modern-day assessment. We discussed recalibrating a learner’s growth and progression, ensuring that numerous stakeholders are taken into account when determining the student’s goals and much more.
The session showcased Portraits of a Graduate, rubrics, and other learner-progression tools to provide insight to the attending educators and leaders from across the country. Much of the conversation hinged on asking “Are we seeing the results we want to see?” and “Are we, alone, the people who should be determining these results?”
In the chat, the attendees shared times they were assessed and how they have seen assessments work well in their professional lives. Attendee Terri Novacek said, “Last June, my governing board provided me with a collaborative summary of their perspective on my strengths and achievements as well as future goals.”
One of the mentioned resources, Street Data: A Next Generation Model for Equity, Pedagogy and School Transformation, also helped to frame the discussion: “We have to be explicitly anti-racist as we pursue this path of street data. And we have to be willing to disrupt the narratives, practices, and biases that are continuing to marginalize students.”
The following resources were shared during our session and referenced within our slides:
If you are interested in hosting your own Measuring What Matters session, you can find the slide deck here:
Once you’ve reviewed the intro content or watched the session video as a group, it’s time for breakout sessions.
For the breakout rooms, we recommend giving each group a slide template or piece of paper (if in person) and having them work through an Align. Argue. Adjust. Aspire. protocol. The groups should each pick a presenter and be prepared to share out. Once all the groups have shared collectively, end the session by discussing next steps and commitments you can make toward measuring what matters.
We’d love to hear how your sessions go and what you’ve learned! Send your thoughts, growth, and feedback to info@txlx.org.
The TxLx project team is excited to announce the next two sessions in our professional learning series:
If you missed our Accelerated Learning session, you can view the recording and host your own session with our resources.
Educate Texas, an initiative of Communities Foundation of Texas, is the trusted change agent in education that is thinking bigger by proving solutions through programs and practices, instilling change through policy, and convening the right partnerships and networks for action.
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Harlingen, Texas 78550