Meeting the Needs of Texas’ Youth Impacted by Covid-19

September 1, 2021

Learn about databases that counselors can use as tools to address the basic needs of students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

It’s no secret Covid-19 hit those living at or below the poverty line the hardest, and in Texas, the pandemic made it impossible for a substantial number of college-hopefuls to enroll in 2020. Even with economic relief targeting higher education through the CARES act, some Texas students and their families are still struggling to meet basic needs — food, shelter, and clothing — which presents barriers to survival, much less the pursuit of higher education.

According to The Hope Center, among U.S. students who were able to matriculate in 2020, 3 in 5 face basic needs insecurity, 14% face homelessness, and almost 40% of two-year college students deal with food insecurity. These numbers are daunting, and, with a youth poverty rate nearing 25%, Texas is likely not an outlier.

After examining The Hope Center’s report, which accounted for nearly 200,000 students and represented a sample of American university life, Get Schooled compiled a list of five Texas databases students may use if they face basic needs insecurity. These each use refined search engines that connect users with housing, food, shelter, medical care, and more:

A few of the databases, like Feeding Texas and TACHC, focus on a singular issue — food insecurity and medical care. The others cast a wider net, allowing users to search by zip code or by need. This list of databases is not exhaustive, but all the resources provided are well-connected and easy to use.

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