What You Need To Know: TSIA2 Updates & Resources

November 29, 2021

Learn about the changes made to the TSIA2 and important resources to help students succeed

Any time changes are made to state educational policies, it can be difficult to adjust or remember all the necessary information. There is undoubtedly a period of transition where you bookmark websites or call on your network of support to navigate your way. This is how many of you may be feeling with the TSIA2 (Texas Success Initiative Assessment Version 2).

Beginning in January of 2021, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) launched a new version of the TSI which is used throughout Texas to determine a student’s readiness for college-level academic coursework. Although the TSIA2 went live at the beginning of the year, institutions have been allowed to use COVID Waivers through the Summer of 2022, and will revert to THECB rules for Fall 2022 placements. This means that for current high school seniors enrolling for Fall 2022, institutions must use the TSI Assessment (TSIA or TSIA2) diagnostic results, along with other holistic factors, in their consideration of course placement if a student does not meet college readiness benchmarks through SAT or ACT scores. Because of this, it is important that college access professionals are aware of and understand the new changes being introduced by the TSIA2.

The biggest differences between the TSI and TSIA2 are:

  • Consolidation of the ELA (English Language Arts) and Reading sections into one test now called ELAR
  • Reduction of diagnostics tests to one per subject area
  • Second chance pass opportunity for students for math through the diagnostic test
  • Ability for students to send scores directly to institutions at either the time of testing or afterward through the Student Portal

It is also important to note the new College Readiness Benchmarks for the TSIA2:

Mathematics CRC>= 950
CRC<950 and Diagnostic Level 6
English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR CRC>= 945 and Essay >=5
CRC<945 and Diagnostic Level >=5 and Essay >=5
CRC: College Readiness Classification Test   –   CRC Range: 910-990   –   Diagnostic Level Range: 1-6
On the surface, you may not consider these changes highly impactful, however, according to data provided by the THECB, students appear to be struggling. Only 20% are meeting college readiness for the ELAR, and 22% for the Math. These numbers may appear discouraging, but there are several resources you can familiarize yourself with to help students prepare. For example, in addition to being used to send test scores, the Student Portal also provides a test center locator, score reports, practice resources, and tutorials. The THECB has also launched TSIA2 Learning Resources where students have access to additional online learning resources that can help prepare them for the TSIA2.

For additional student resources and TSIA2 sample questions see the resources below:

You can also find TSIA2 resources for counselors and advisors, on the Texas OnCourse Academy. Their module titled Advising All Students to Be College Ready is a great resource and includes an entire unit on understanding the TSI and TSIA2. You can also watch the Texas OnCourse webinar Important Updates on the TSIA2 for more details on these updates, accommodations, and administration of the TSIA2. Hopefully, this summary and collection of resources will help you feel more confident and ready to help any student who comes your way.

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