
TXCAN Texas Graduate Earnings by Degree Level

TXCAN Dashboard

Texas Graduate Earnings by Degree Level
Welcome to our interactive dashboard showcasing the long-term earnings outcomes of students based on their chosen educational pathways. Our comprehensive tool allows you to explore the financial outcomes of individuals ten years after high school graduation, across Texas regions. You can also filter the results by demographic categories such as ethnicity and economic disadvantage.
Texas Graduate Earnings by Degree Level
Welcome to our interactive dashboard showcasing the long-term earnings outcomes of students based on their chosen educational pathways. Our comprehensive tool allows you to explore the financial outcomes of individuals ten years after high school graduation, across Texas regions. You can also filter the results by demographic categories such as ethnicity and economic disadvantage.
Texas Graduate Earnings by Degree Level
Welcome to our interactive dashboard showcasing the long-term earnings outcomes of students based on their chosen educational pathways. Our comprehensive tool allows you to explore the financial outcomes of individuals ten years after high school graduation, across Texas regions. You can also filter the results by demographic categories such as ethnicity and economic disadvantage.

Source: Student Report CBM001 (THECB), National Student Clearinghouse, PEIMS Student Graduate Report (TEA), PEIMS Student Enrollment Report (TEA), PEIMS Student Course Complete Report (TEA), Employment Wage Reports (TWC). Education level is mutually exclusive (i.e., a person can only belong to one of the categories).

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