Scaffolding Learning Series #1: Number Talks

August 18, 2024

Scaffolding Learning Series #1: Number Talks

The first session in our four-part learning series around understanding scaffolding and its’ role in acceleration. Through today’s recorded lesson, participants will gain an understanding of the number talk strategy.

Learning Outcome: Through today’s recorded lesson, participants will gain an understanding of the number talk strategy.

Number talks were developed for classroom teachers to engage students in “mental math” through grappling with interesting mathematics problems. Educators can use number talks regularly as introductions to the day’s mathematical practice, as warm-ups for other lessons, or as stand-alone extended engagements with mathematical concepts. In this strategy, students can build on what others add to the conversation.

During this session, you will visit a middle school math classroom where a teacher is using a number talk protocol to engage his students in “guessing the rule.” You can view a transcript of the number talk protocol here.

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