Westminster Public Schools, Westminster, CO

August 21, 2024

Westminster Public Schools, Westminster, CO

Westminster Public School District created competency-based and personalized learning environments that promote biliteracy and content mastery for ELL students. The Westminster district has about 10,000 students, of which 18% are white and 82% are children of color. Westminster has the second highest percentage of English learners in the state of Colorado with 45% of learners in the English language development program. Spanish is the second dominant language with an additional 31 languages represented in the district. Assessments are based on capturing students’ learning as they move toward their learning targets. Students receive multiple opportunities to demonstrate mastery of their learning targets and are provided with voice and choice in co-building their units of study and learning goals. Students’ personalized learning plans and performance data guide how educators provide each student with formative assessments.

School Type


School Context

Medium Size, Urban


  • Outcomes: Whole child; Learner Profile; College ready; Bilingual supported; Careers Pathways; Proficiency scales (academic and SEL)
  • Learner Experience: Personalized, blended, project-based, and competency-based; Personalized mastery schedule
  • Competency & Credentialing: Competency-based system with learner portfolio; Workshop model; Competency-driven; Learning progressions; Student-led conferences 
  • Wellness: Adivsory; Lifelong focus and advising; Youth and family services; Community partnerships; Integrated health
  • Equity: Inclusion; Newcomers; Special Population Integration; 1:1; Anywhere, anytime learning
  • Professional Learning: Some teacher leadership; Co-facilitation model and co-teaching for SPED/ELL; Marzano Academy; Leadership development pipeline
  • Strategy: District model; Tight expectations
  • Partnerships: Before and after programs, work experience; Was RISC, now Marzano (and big driver of Empower LMS)
  • Technology: Empower LMS (lead design partner); Quick access aligned curriculum resources

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