What is the edTPA Pilot for Texas?

August 2, 2024

What is the edTPA Pilot for Texas?

The edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific teacher certification assessment and support system that the State of Texas is piloting through 2022. Launched by the Texas Education Agency in 2019, The State of Texas offers aspiring educators the choice between over 200 different EPPs. These programs are offered through traditional and alternative certification pathways, and vary widely in admission requirements, graduation rates, placement, and post-placement retention. Implementing an assessment that more accurately determines a teacher’s level of classroom readiness across EPPs is crucial to ensuring quality in every program, and preparedness for every candidate. The edTPA represents one of the most significant, transformative initiatives the agency has approved related to EPP coursework and programming. In 2021, the pilot was extended for an additional year through 2022. During the pilot, teaching candidates have the option of taking the edTPA or the Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) exam. The Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity (SCALE) developed the edTPA. Evidence suggests that it provides a better measure of a teacher’s level of preparation and classroom readiness than the current PPR exam.

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