Programming to create sustainable and scalable successes for districts, schools, teachers, students, and communities.



Programming to create sustainable and scalable successes for districts, schools, teachers, students, and communities.



Programming to create sustainable and scalable successes for districts, schools, teachers, students, and communities.

Best in Class 1
Best in Class
Over 50 Texas partner organizations focused on four key levers to collectively improve educator effectiveness: attracting, preparing, developing, and retaining.
Career Connect Texas 1
Career Connect Texas
Peer-learning network bringing together leaders from across Texas to support learn-and-earn programs that lead to livable-wage careers.
AdobeStock 907890218
College & Career Readiness School Models
Prepares students for success beyond high school. CCRSM strengthens the future workforce and empowers communities throughout Texas.
AdobeStock 888805694
Districtwide STEM
Brings private funders and school districts together to strengthen instruction, build relationships with industry and business, and prepare students for STEM careers.
HCA Healthcare Pathways1
HCA Healthcare Pathways
Increasing high school student access to programs that lead to healthcare careers.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Teaching & Learning Council
Convenes practitioners and a focused group of diverse stakeholders committed to improving public and higher education systems in Texas.
AdobeStock 928403629
Texas College Access Network (TXCAN)
Connects and supports college access initiatives across Texas and provides college advisors access to training and resources.
texas preparation programs hero
Texas Educator Preparation
Prepares educators for the requirements, challenges and changes of being a successful educator in the state of Texas.
Texas Impact Network banner
Texas Impact Network
Works with state and regional partners to help school districts to realize the full potential of Texas House Bill 3’s (HB 3) funding to support evidence-based programs. Educate Texas shares and scales success to maximize impact.
AdobeStock 874604930
Texas Learning Exchange
These resources were designed to assist districts, educators, and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TxNSI banner 1
Texas Network For School Improvement (TxNSI)
Focuses on increasing the percentage of students, especially African American, Latinx, and low income, who are on track to college and career success using math as an entry point.
Texas Student Success
Texas Student Success Council
Shapes state policy and dialogue to increase higher education attainment and better prepare Texas students to compete in the 21st century economy.
texas alliance
Texas Transfer Alliance
A collaboration of Texas universities and community colleges focused on improving transfer student outcomes, the Alliance’s work is designed to help Texas institutions meet their goals for improved student success
AdobeStock 576618862
Texas Women Leading Education
Focuses on building a pipeline of female superintendents to lead school district systems across Texas.
AdobeStock 907890218
College & Career Readiness School Models
Prepares students for success beyond high school. CCRSM strengthens the future workforce and empowers communities throughout Texas.
AdobeStock 888805694
Districtwide STEM
Brings private funders and school districts together to strengthen instruction, build relationships with industry and business, and prepare students for STEM careers.
HCA Healthcare Pathways1
HCA Healthcare Pathways
Increasing high school student access to programs that lead to healthcare careers.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Texas Impact Network banner
Texas Impact Network
Works with state and regional partners to help school districts to realize the full potential of Texas House Bill 3’s (HB 3) funding to support evidence-based programs. Educate Texas shares and scales success to maximize impact.
AdobeStock 874604930
Texas Learning Exchange
These resources were designed to assist districts, educators, and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TxNSI banner 1
Texas Network For School Improvement (TxNSI)
Focuses on increasing the percentage of students, especially African American, Latinx, and low income, who are on track to college and career success using math as an entry point.
Texas Student Success
Texas Student Success Council
Shapes state policy and dialogue to increase higher education attainment and better prepare Texas students to compete in the 21st century economy.
Career Connect Texas 1
Career Connect Texas
Peer-learning network bringing together leaders from across Texas to support learn-and-earn programs that lead to livable-wage careers.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
AdobeStock 928403629
Texas College Access Network (TXCAN)
Connects and supports college access initiatives across Texas and provides college advisors access to training and resources.
Texas Student Success
Texas Student Success Council
Shapes state policy and dialogue to increase higher education attainment and better prepare Texas students to compete in the 21st century economy.
texas alliance
Texas Transfer Alliance
A collaboration of Texas universities and community colleges focused on improving transfer student outcomes, the Alliance’s work is designed to help Texas institutions meet their goals for improved student success
Best in Class 1
Best in Class
Over 50 Texas partner organizations focused on four key levers to collectively improve educator effectiveness: attracting, preparing, developing, and retaining.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Teaching & Learning Council
Convenes practitioners and a focused group of diverse stakeholders committed to improving public and higher education systems in Texas.
texas preparation programs hero
Texas Educator Preparation
Prepares educators for the requirements, challenges and changes of being a successful educator in the state of Texas.
Texas Impact Network banner
Texas Impact Network
Works with state and regional partners to help school districts to realize the full potential of Texas House Bill 3’s (HB 3) funding to support evidence-based programs. Educate Texas shares and scales success to maximize impact.
AdobeStock 576618862
Texas Women Leading Education
Focuses on building a pipeline of female superintendents to lead school district systems across Texas.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Teaching & Learning Council
Convenes practitioners and a focused group of diverse stakeholders committed to improving public and higher education systems in Texas.
Texas Student Success
Texas Student Success Council
Shapes state policy and dialogue to increase higher education attainment and better prepare Texas students to compete in the 21st century economy.
Best in Class 1
Best in Class
Over 50 Texas partner organizations focused on four key levers to collectively improve educator effectiveness: attracting, preparing, developing, and retaining.
Career Connect Texas 1
Career Connect Texas
Peer-learning network bringing together leaders from across Texas to support learn-and-earn programs that lead to livable-wage careers.
AdobeStock 907890218
College & Career Readiness School Models
Prepares students for success beyond high school. CCRSM strengthens the future workforce and empowers communities throughout Texas.
AdobeStock 888805694
Districtwide STEM
Brings private funders and school districts together to strengthen instruction, build relationships with industry and business, and prepare students for STEM careers.
HCA Healthcare Pathways1
HCA Healthcare Pathways
Increasing high school student access to programs that lead to healthcare careers.
Dedicated to improving college readiness, access, and success in the Rio Grande Valley by aligning community resources and strengthening the education-to-workforce pathway.
Teaching & Learning Council
Convenes practitioners and a focused group of diverse stakeholders committed to improving public and higher education systems in Texas.
AdobeStock 928403629
Texas College Access Network (TXCAN)
Connects and supports college access initiatives across Texas and provides college advisors access to training and resources.
texas preparation programs hero
Texas Educator Preparation
Prepares educators for the requirements, challenges and changes of being a successful educator in the state of Texas.
Texas Impact Network banner
Texas Impact Network
Works with state and regional partners to help school districts to realize the full potential of Texas House Bill 3’s (HB 3) funding to support evidence-based programs. Educate Texas shares and scales success to maximize impact.
AdobeStock 874604930
Texas Learning Exchange
These resources were designed to assist districts, educators, and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TxNSI banner 1
Texas Network For School Improvement (TxNSI)
Focuses on increasing the percentage of students, especially African American, Latinx, and low income, who are on track to college and career success using math as an entry point.
Texas Student Success
Texas Student Success Council
Shapes state policy and dialogue to increase higher education attainment and better prepare Texas students to compete in the 21st century economy.
texas alliance
Texas Transfer Alliance
A collaboration of Texas universities and community colleges focused on improving transfer student outcomes, the Alliance’s work is designed to help Texas institutions meet their goals for improved student success
AdobeStock 576618862
Texas Women Leading Education
Focuses on building a pipeline of female superintendents to lead school district systems across Texas.


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